This free webinar series presents tools, tips, and techniques that will help sharpen your development skills on developing and improving your high performance compute applications for multicore and manycore on Intel® Xeon® processors and Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessors. Expert technical… Read More
HiPerGator goes live!
Research Computing is pleased to announce the availability of the HiPerGator cluster for general use. You can now log in using your existing HPC Center account credentials and run jobs. The environment will be very much like what you use… Read More
Research Computing Day Spring 2013
Research Computing Day will be held on May 2nd, 2013 from 12 noon till 4 pm near the new UF Data Center on the Eastside Campus. It will include a tour of the new data center and UF’s new supercomputer… Read More
Power Outage in NPB Building and Equipment Move
The Physical Plant Division (PPD) has scheduled a power outage for the New Physics Building (NPB) on Saturday, March 23, 2013 from 8:00AM to 5:00PM. All HPC Center computing equipment in NPB will have to be turned off by the… Read More
Prof. Bryan Kolaczkowski

One of the major justifications of large-scale genomic sequencing is that it will ultimately yield important insights into the causes of human disease. But how can we systematically move from an understanding of the genome to viable biomedical therapies? Dr.… Read More
Highly-Available Storage

Providing Reliable, Scalable Storage
Higgs Particle Discovery

HPC Center contributes millions of CPU hours to the discovery of the Higgs boson
Land Use Change in Central Florida and Sensitivity Analysis Based on Agricultural to Urban Extreme Conversion Climate and Society
This paper explored recent land use and land cover change in western central Florida, examining both socioeconomic and biophysical influences on land transformation and the impacts of that change.
Prof. Adrian Roitberg

GPUs (Graphical Processing Units) have recently been recognized for their impressive computational potential. Taking advantage of this mostly untapped resource requires strong collaboration between computational scientists and domain scientists. A team of programmers at Nvidia (Dr. Scott Legrand) and the… Read More
Prof. Haiping Cheng

In her studies of the boundary between the bulk properties of matter and the quantized world of atoms and molecules, Dr. Cheng has an almost unquenchable demand for CPU cycles. The molecular dynamics simulations carried out by her group require… Read More