As high-performance computing device, the GPU has exposed bandwidth and latency bottlenecks in on-chip interconnect and off-chip memory access.
Research Computing

Research Computing

Welcome to the Research Computing at the University of Florida. Here you will find information regarding the resources, services, policies and people that collectively comprise our research computing center. We are here to assist the University as it strives to firmly establish itself among the top-10 public research universities in the country.
Research Computing Matching Fund 2012
New funding opportunity! The Research Computing Matching Program 2012 has been announced on Research Computing Day on April 25th, 2012.
UF HPC Earns CMS Accolades
Research Computing’s HPC Center was recognized today as the leading CMS Tier 2 site for availability and the third most productive site for analysis job hosting among all tier 2 sites worldwide.
The Effect of Spanwise Width on Rectangular Jets With Sidewalls
A CFD study on the effect of spanwise width on a rectangular jet with sidewalls is conducted using a standard k- model with wall functions.
HPC Center Deploys New Equipment
In February the HPC Center received and installed two significant new resources.
Solution Structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis NmtR in the Apo State: Insights into Ni(II)-Mediated Allostery
Chul Won Lee†‡, Dhruva K. Chakravorty§, Feng-Ming James Chang†, Hermes Reyes-Caballero†, Yuzhen Ye, Kenneth M. Merz, Jr.§, and David P. Giedroc, Solution Structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis NmtR in the Apo State: Insights into Ni(II)-Mediated Allostery Biochemistry, 2012, 51 (12), pp 2619–2629,… Read More
ICBR Technology Spotlight March 23, 2012
UF Research Computing has deployed a test cluster for computational biology with the widely used Galaxy software on it to manage complex computing tasks in the life sciences.
A flood pulse driven fish population model for the Okavango Delta, Botswana.
Linhoss, A.C., R. Muñoz-Carpena, M. Allen, G. Kiker, K. Mosepele , A flood pulse driven fish population model for the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Ecological Modelling 228:27–38, 2012-01-30 Abstract [-]: The Okavango Delta is a large, remote, and ecologically significant wetland located in Botswana… Read More