A maintenance downtime starting on Tuesday, January 14th through January 18th is needed for ResVault.

In preparation for the maintenance:

  • Remember that the most secure location for data is in the MyVault part of the system. In preparation for the maintenance, please copy critical data from VM drives to the MyVault to ensure the best backup of data. While VM drives are copied daily to secondary storage, due to their size, it is not practical to backup to tape.
  • Please shutdown all VMs by Monday evening, starting around 8:00pm Monday, UFRC staff will begin shutting down VMs that are still running. Shutting down VMs will ensure the that VM drives can be backed up prior to the maintenance.
  • All VMs will be shutdown during the maintenance. If you manage a shared VM that other users connect to, you will need to restart the VM after the maintenance.
  • As part of the maintenance new versions of software will be deployed, so it is expected that you will be prompted to update once you start up tiCryptConnect after the maintenance.