In response to the continued increase of data-centered research, funding agencies require researchers to think ahead about their work and data flows by submitting data management plans with their project proposals.
To better understand how researchers manage their data, UF researchers are asked to participate in a new university-wide survey. UF strives to make researchers more competitive in their quests for funding; this survey will identify what areas of data management need particular support, and help create another edge for UF’s research community.
Plato Smith, the faculty Data Management Librarian at UF and administrator of this survey, offers the following description of participation:
I am conducting a University-wide data management assessment research study, the purpose of which is to explore how researchers manage data at the University of Florida. This research is investigating types of data assets, components of the lifecycle of data, and how the Libraries can better develop services that support the activities faculty implement to manage research data.
I am asking you to participate in this survey because you are involved with data. You will not have to answer any question you do not wish to answer. This study aims to build a better understanding of researcher needs regarding support for data that you create, store, and/or manage.
Participants will be asked to answer 26 survey questions that will last no more than 13 minutes. You have the option to preview the survey before participation. The survey is accessible online from January 2017 – March 2017. The link to survey is anonymous and unable to track identifying information of respondents.
If you have questions about this research protocol, please contact me at (352) 294-1077 or email at Questions about your rights as a research participant may be directed to the IRB02 office, University of Florida, Box 112250, Gainesville, FL 32611; (352) 392-0433.
Plato L. Smith II, Ph.D.
Data Management Librarian
University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries
Participate in and/or preview the university-wide data survey: