Research Computing kicks off the Spring 2019 semester with renewed training sessions for faculty and students who want to learn how to start using the high-end resources that we provide, or simply more about how they can fully utilize the resources they already have.

Our fall training schedule is below. Sessions will be in NPB 2205 (the Physics building on the corner of Museum Rd and Gale Lemerand Dr) on Thursdays from 10:40 to 11:30

  • September 5th, 10:40-11:30: Introduction to Research Computing and HiPerGator. Please register here.
  • September 12th, 10:40-11:30: An Introduction to the Linux Command Line. Please register here.
  • September 19th, 10:40-11:30: HiPerGator: SLURM Submission Scripts. Please register here
  • September 26th, 10:40-11:30: HiPerGator: SLURM Scripts for MPI Jobs. Please register here.
  • October 3rd, 10:40-11:30: Running Graphical Applications on HiPerGator. Please register here.
  • October 10th, 10:40-11:30: Jupyter Lab & Jupyter Notebooks for R, Python and more. Please register here.
  • October 17th, 10:40-11:30: Galaxy and NGS Sequence Analysis. Please register here.
  • October 24th, 10:40-11:30: Git and Please register here.
  • October 31st, 10:40-11:30: Running MATLAB on HiPerGator. Please register here.
  • November 7th, 10:40-11:30: Rmpi and parallel R analyses. Please register here.

Please contact Matt Gitzendanner ( with questions or to request training on specific topics.

How-to videos and recorded sessions: We have many short “how-to” videos and recordings of training sessions available on our Training page: