The Physical Plant Division (PPD) has scheduled a power outage for the New Physics Building (NPB) on Saturday, March 23, 2013 from 8:00AM to 5:00PM. All HPC Center computing equipment in NPB will have to be turned off by the end of the day on Friday, March 22. Jobs running on racks 1 – 6 will be lost when the machines in those racks are powered off. The equipment in the Larsen Hall machine room will be unaffected. This includes racks 7 – 10, and most, but not all of our storage.
We will use this outage, required by PPD, to move more of our equipment to the new data center. Therefore, on Friday, March 22, we will power off some equipment earlier in the day (9:00 AM) to be moved ahead of the power outage. This equipment includes
Rack 26 (/bio servers, /galaxy, /project, /scratch/wukong, /rlts, /lts, /nsam servers, 1 TB Compute Server)
We will have to turn this equipment off earlier in the day on Friday so that the movers can move the rack during the day. Jobs accessing /galaxy, /project, and /scratch/wukong will have to be killed at that time to allow us to unmount the file systems and turn off the systems. If you use these file systems, please plan accordingly. Our recommendation is to avoid submitting any jobs using these file systems that will not be finished by Friday morning, March 22.