Interested in Data Science? Andrew C. Thomas from the College of Education and a member faculty for the Informatics Institute will offer two grad-level courses this fall. 

Data Science in Education Research, Or: The Full Stack Social Scientist
Examine the Data Science process from the perspective of social science research. This course is taught through a mixture of lectures and labs. Students will learn the Data Science process and the tools used, how to effectively construct analysis-ready data sets, and how to analyze data through statistical graphs and means.

Network Science in Education Research, Or: What Have Our Networks Done for Us?
Examine the big question of how the social network model can be used for research, application, and social good. Within this course student will outline the boundaries of Network Science, master several common computational and graphical tools to analyze networks of varying scales, and reproduce recent results and discoveries in social network research.

For more information, contact Dr. Andrew Thomas at