Established in 1991, the Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE CSGF) provides outstanding benefits and opportunities to students pursuing doctoral degrees in fields that use high-performance computing to solve complex science and engineering problems.

The program fosters a community of energetic and committed Ph.D. students, alumni, DOE laboratory staff and other scientists who want to have an impact on the nation while advancing their research. Fellows come from diverse scientific and engineering disciplines but share a common interest in using computing in their research.

More than 425 students at more than 60 U.S. universities have trained as fellows. The program’s alumni work in DOE laboratories, private industry and educational institutions.

A DOE Program with a Mission

The Department of Energy’s Office of Science and National Nuclear Security Administration supports the DOE CSGF. Its specific objectives are:

  • To help ensure a supply of scientists and engineers trained to meet workforce needs, including the DOE’s, in computational science.
  • To make DOE laboratories available to fellows for work experiences, ensuring cross-disciplinary collaborations in productive work teams.
  • To strengthen ties between the national academic community and DOE laboratories so the fellowship’s multidisciplinary nature builds the national scientific community.
  • To make computational science careers more visible, encouraging talented students to enter the field and thereby building the next generation of computational science leaders.

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