A Multiscale Treatment of Angeli’s Salt Decomposition

Torras, Juan; Seabra, Gustavo; Roitberg, Adrian E.. A Multiscale Treatment of Angeli’s Salt Decomposition Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2008-12-12 Abstract: Sodium trioxodinitrate’s (Na2N2O3, Angeli’s salt) unique cardiovascular effects have been associated with its ability to yield HNO upon… Read More

A versatile AMBER-Gaussian QM/MM interface through PUPIL

Torras, Juan; Seabra, Gustavo; Deumens, Erik; Trickey, S. B.; Roitberg, Adrian E.. A versatile AMBER-Gaussian QM/MM interface through PUPIL Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2008-02-12 Abstract: The PUPIL package (Program for User Package Interfacing and Linking) originally was developed to interface… Read More

Exchange frequency in replica exchange molecular dynamics.

Sindhikara, Daniel; Meng, Yilin; Roitberg, Adrian E.. Exchange frequency in replica exchange molecular dynamics. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2008-01-10 Abstract: The effect of the exchange-attempt frequency on sampling efficiency is studied in replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD). We show that… Read More