1Resource Selection2Contact Information3Payment Method Service Period*Select a service period...3 months6 months1 year2 years3 years4 yearsFor how long would you like to purchase resource access?Group Name* Type the name of the group for which your resources will be allocated.Resource SelectionRestricted Normalized Compute Unit (RNCU) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity One priority dedicated CPU core with 4 GB of RAM, leaving approximately 3 GB per core usable by the software application, for the indicated service period.Restricted Normalized Graphics Processor Unit (RNGU) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity One NVIDIA RTX 2080ti GPU accelerator for the indicated service period; requires purchase of NCU and BSU.Regulated Research Storage Unit (RRSU) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity One TB data storage capacity for high-performance storage, for the indicated service period. TotalTotal $0.00 Faculty Sponsor/Principal Investigator InformationName* First Last UFIT Customer Number (if known) Department* GatorLink Username* Email* Phone*Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Fiscal Specialist InformationName* First Last GatorLink Username* Email* Phone*Is this person also the grants specialist contact for this request?* Yes No Shared Service CenterNameEmail Grants Specialist InformationName* First Last GatorLink Username* Email* Phone* Review Order{all_fields}