The UFRC instance of Galaxy will be upgraded to the latest version during the week of May 1st 2018. This upgrade will add many features, but will also necessitate updating saved workflows as tool versions will change, some old tools will disappear, and many new tools will be added. Some of the new features include:

  • Interactive tours: The interactive tours framework allows building interactive tutorials for users superimposed on the actual Galaxy web front end. Unlike video tutorials, these will not become stale and are truly interactive allowing users to actually navigate and interact with Galaxy.
  • Nested workflows: Workflows may now run other workflows as a single abstract step in the parent workflow. This allows for reusing or sub-workflows in your analyses.
  • Drag & Drop datasets into tool inputs: The interface now allows dragging datasets from history panel into the content selectors of the tool form.
  • Many performance and security enhancements.

Additionally, please be advised that the data transfer node will be taken out of service on May 4, 2018. Everything you used to use dtn1 for can now be done on the login nodes. As always, if you experience problems with UFRC Galaxy, please open a support request at: